The common MERI hotline is used as an additional tool in the achievement of the following goals:
• Increasing the level of corporate management.
• The early detection of possible violations, abuses, fraud or cases of the wrongful possession information or the revealing and use of information which could be a commercial secret.
• Minimalizing financial, legal, corporate, reputational and other risks.
With the help of various channels of communication, you can at any moment and in any form report the inadequate performance of the duties, charters or other internal documents, legal demands etc. of the employees of MERI or any of its subsidiary companies.
For more information about the goals and possibilities of the "Common Hotline" you can consult the provision "Program for the notification of the drawbacks of the "United Hotline".
Channels of communication and ways of sending messages about any shortcomings:
• (Anonymously) An email can be sent to the following address:
• (Anonymously) A voice message can be sent to the "United Hotline" number at +7 (495) 229-55-75
• (Anonymously) A letter can be sent by post or by courier to the address: 124460, Russian Federation, Moscow, Zelenograd, 1 Zanadny proezd, dom 12, stroyenie 1, addressed to the director for interior control and auditing with the note "Personal - Common Hotline".
Common Hotline OAO "RTI"
• Email: send an email to the following address: (Anonymously)
• Send a voice message to the answer phone "Common Hotline" at +7 (495) 723-83-76 (Anonymously)
• Letter by post or courier to the address: 127083, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ulitsa 8 marta, dom 12, stroyenie 1, addressed to the head of the department for interior control and auditing ОАО "RTI" with the note "Personal - Common Hotline" (Anonymously).
You can also report any shortcomings through any of the above-described channels of communication which do not provide anonymity. These channels will ask for a name, surname and patronym or will use another form of identity confirmation (to the user's preference) or will be transferred to the head of department for interior control and auditing personally or by name of the sender.
The Common Hotline of OAO AFK "Sistema":
• Send an email to the following address: (anonymously)
• Voice message can be sent to the Common Hotline at +7 (495) 228-15-02 (anonymously)
• A letter can be sent by post or by courier to the address: 127083, Russian Federation, Moscow, ulitsa Mokhovaya, dom 13, stroyenie 1, addressed to the head of the department for interior control and auditing ОАО AFK "Sistema" with the note "Personal - Common Hotline" (Anonymously).
• A message can be sent via the internet to the web adresses: and in a separate tab with "Common Hotline" on the main page of the site (anonymously)